podcast (project 5)

These questions did I make by myself.



  • what do you feel when your flesh creep?
A you are happy and excited 
B you are disgusted and frightened
C you are angry
  • what does arthritis mean?

arthritis is a disease that causes pain and swelling in joints of the body

  • with what kid of machine can they now see how it looks like when you crack you joints?

they can do that now with a MRI scan

  • everyone can crack their joins

true/ false

  • which knuckles can you crack other than your fingers?

neck, back, knees, ankles and toes.

  • what really happen when you crack your knuckles?

it stretches the space around the joint and surrounding fluid and causes a decrease in pressure. As a result, gas dissolved in the fluid becomes less soluble – or less able to be dissolved – leading to the formation of bubbles. Now when you stretch the joint far enough, these bubbles burst, producing the ‘pop’ sound

  • they can find serious inuring in the joints of the people who crack them.

true/ false?

  • if you use an other substances tho experiment there is damage other than by the knuckles.

true/ false?

  • why can you crack the  synovial joints?
A because of the fluid around an in the joints
B it is really big
C the bone is softer
D none of them above
  • “But you’ll end up with arthritis when you’re older, you know.” This is an?

old wives’ tale




  • what do the model industries prefer?
A normal bodies 
B curves
C super skinny 
  • what does the agent need to pay if they have to skinny models?

up to 75,000 euros, or even prison sentences.

  • there is a new Spanish rule for modeling.

true/ false?

  • what does the man in the fragment hope?

That all the models with the BMI of 18 or less get banned.

  • what does BMI means?

BMI stands for body mass index. And this is the ratio of a person’s height to their weight.

  • what is your opinion about super skinny models?


  • some people are just skinny they think that this rule is discrimination.

true/ false?

  • because of that discrimination, which method do they use to see what is healthy or not?


A looking if you can see their bones
B looking at their weight 
looking at their BMI
D only accept curvy people
  • what does clinically unhealthy mean?

It means when you need medical treatment for a condition or illness.

  • does all the to skinny people have anorexia?

no, anorexia means that you refuse to eat, you can be skinny you whole life while you eat very healthy.




  • what is it called if you have a song stuck in your head?
A earth worm
B ear worm 
C music worm
  • if there is german music in a bar you faster pic a beer than a glass of wine.

true/ false?

  • why does classic music make us spend more on a drink?

the classic music make us feel classy, so it feels more like to give more money away than usually.

  • bars and restaurants only use music to make it a more likely ambiance.

true/ false?

  • how do the people keep the customers longer in a bar or restaurant?

to make people sit longer to eat they use slow music, and if they want to get more customers when it is ver busy they use music with a higher tempo.

  • you can influence a whole scene of a movie with music.

true/ false?

  • that doe you think? what does music influence?


in this podcast it did not have 10 questions because it was a bit to difficult.




  • what is the different between an autograph and a signature?

an autograph is from a famous person and a signature from a regular person.

  • who is the first modern celebrity?

English man Poet Lord Byron, born in 1788

  • what is going to happen if someone become famous?
A there is becomes a big industrie with product with his/her name on it
B nothing
  • if your fame is big, you can’t control your image because your image is vulnerable.

true/ false?

  • if you are a huge fan of a famous person you have a special name, like the fans of Justin Bieber are called believers.

true/ false?

  • what is a scandal?

in the famous world a scandal is that you do something really wrong like have an affaire or take drugs or something.



  • superheros are most of the time……..


  • what is the favorite superhero off the podcast man?
A superman
B wonder woman
C spiderman
  •  is a hero always a live saver?


  • what does Chibatman do?

‘flying’ through the streets of Chiba dressed a bit like Batman and riding his custom-built three-wheeled Chibatpod to make people happy.

  • why does he do that?

because there have been an earthquake people have forgotten how to smiley and he wants that people smile again.

  • nobody knows who this man is.

true/ false?

  • what does an other man do in japan?

he cleans the streets when it is midnight.