Resolution Death Sentens (project 4)

Forum: The Security Council

Question of: The capital punishment

submitted by: The Philippines


The Security Council,

Welcoming all states to the debate to discuss about the death penalty, should we abolish it or should we keep it,

Realizing that not all countries have abolished the death penalty, but we want that is different in the future,

Convinced that after this debate more countries are againt the death penalty and will abolish it,


  1. Calls upon all states that still maintain the death penalty:
  • to respect international standards that safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facting the death penalty,
  • to progressivity restrict the use of the death penalty and reduce the number of offenses for witch it may be imposed,

2. Calls upon all states that still maintain the death penalty, to abolish the capital                          punishment completely and, in the meantime, to establish a moratprium on                            executions,

3. Asks other countries to do not use the death penalty for the prisoner.