food hospital (project 3)

Food hospital is a organisation of docters that say that food is beter than medicins. In the serie they show what the best food is for a condition.  In this project we need to watch 4 episodes of food hospital, pick one condition and write about it.


Episodes I have seen with a little summary:

Season 2 episode 6: in this episode the conditions were: Epilepsy and Gilles de la Tourette. I choose epilepsy as main subject that comes later in the report. Gilles de la Tourette is a disease, that you get before you get born and it never disappear completely. The Gilles de la Tourette means that you making noises or making movements without you want that to do that.

Season 2 episode 3: in this episode the conditions were: Acné and sleeping problems. Acné is a skin disease were er is to much tallow under the skin. It often begins in the puberty, and for boys it is worse and for girls less terible.Adult-sleeping-problems Sleeping problems: this condition can have a lot of causes. A diagnose can not be made because there are to many couses. There are ways to make your sleep a bit better. I have self al little bit of sleeping problems to0. 



Season 2 episode 2: in this episode were the conditions ADHD and extreme hair ElossADHD is a disease that you are hyper and buzzy. You do not concentrate very well and your brain is always thinking. You dont think, you do. You are impulsive. Extreme hair loss: with this condition the hair follicles are not strong enough. You become completely bold. It is with man and woman.


season 1 episode 6: in this episode were the conditions hot flashes  and  Spondylitis. Hot flashes means: it is in your body always to warm. Only women suffer from it. you get red spots on your skin and you feel very sweaty. Your body does that to get a bit colder insite. Spondylitis: your vertebrae grow slowly together. Because there is a inflammation in your back. It gets very painfull and your back grows curved.

season 1 episode 5: in this episode were the conditions eczema and Gallstones 



The condition I have chosen is epilepsy. I chose this condition beacause that was the most interesting episode and I find the little boy with the condition to cute. The boy is named Charlie he is 4 years old. He has the condition epilepsy. Epilepsy is a condition wherediscoveringt.jpgtemporary disturbance of the electrical stimulus transfer in the brains. There is a kind of failure in your brains. There are different attacks  : 1. the drop attack. this is an attack where all of te muscles stop working. this can any time happen so it is verry dangerous. 2. shake attack: here can get the brain control over your body, you start to shake and you are not conscious. This is one of the most dangerous and haeviest attacks for your body and brain. The last one I am going to appoint is that you are not completely on the world. In the episode with little Charlie was in, they said that Charlie in total on one day can get 300 attacks. 20 of the 300 are drop attacks and the other 280 are different attacks. He spends a lot of time on the intensive care. Medications have no effect on the epilepsy little Charlie has. He was scared and not happy, he wanted to be another person without epilepsy. Charlie went with his parent to the food hospital to make an end to his fears. The doctors of the food hospital say to the mother of little Charlie that all herfg ideas about healty food are not the right ideas. He needs to eat more fat.  The thing he needs to eat are: oil, fat and protein. The things he must not eat are sugar and alcohol. The thing he is allowed to eat but not to much are fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. It does not matter that the dieet is full of fat, your body uses the fat against the epilepsy.  The doctors of the food hospital say that he needs to try this diet for 12 weaks and than he needs to come back to tell the differences he feels. He needs te tell what was better and what was not better. The little Charlie and his mother and father get a recipe book with a few recipes of the diet. He is going to try the recipes and he going to try to follow his diet. He really liked the recipes of the special diet. But what was difficult was when his little brother and little sister have chocolate or strawberries or things like that he is jalous because he is not allowed to eat that. The twelve weeks are difficult because Charly gets angry because he may not eat the things he likes. His parents are very strickt and clever because they say things like: this is much better than what they eat beceause you will be happy and it is better for your brains. After the first week they see a big difference because of the 300 attacks he has had no attacks anymore. Little Charlie looks very happy and he bagins to learn about life and is doing new things like experimenting and discover things like little bugs and to play around without protecting helmet. Before he started with the diet he had to wear a protecting helmet with foam. So he does not get hurt when he gets a drop attack or when he falls down. Now he does not wear the helmet anymore. in two years he can stop with the diet because his body is good protected that the epilepsi does not have effect anymore. The docters say that the ketogenic diet is better for children than for adults because children are young and they use all the fatts for growing up and burn it down when they play. Adults do not need so much fat but they can eat this diet not with three times more fat like for children but with two times more fat. The parents of Charlie can not eat the diet together with Charlie because they become muddy fat when they would do that. Charly is now very happy and can live his life better than before. He does not have to go to the hospital anymore. 

I am happy that I chose this disease because I learned now more about epilepsy and I am happy the Little Charly is now healty and happy too. When I would have epilepsy I will for sure try if this is a good diet for me. I am going to try all the recipes. I have already tried the choclate cake and I liked it very much. It was not sweet but very tastefull. You should try it too.



1. Panna Cotta with fresh fruit

What do you need?
90g cream 33%
1 piece gelatine                                                              panna_cotta_kiwi
25g green kiwi
liquid sweetener

how do you make it?Soak the gelatin +/- 5 min . In cold water. Bring the cream and sweetener to the boil. Squeeze the gelatine, take the cream off the heat and add the gelatine while stirring.
Pour into an oiled pan and let set in the refrigerator.


2. Tomato soup

what do you need?ssss
50g tomato paste
10g soy butter

10g cream 40%
10g little soup meatballs
stock powder

how do you make it?let the butter melt and add the tomato paste and the soup  meatballs. Let simmer and add some water until you have a nice soup. Season the soup with bouillon powder. Add just before serving add the cream.


3. Falafel 

What do you need?
30g Falafel mix
18g water
16g olive oil                      f.jpg
60g cucumber
30g red paprika
20g mayonnaise
10g Greek yoghurt
seasoning to taste

How do you make it?mix Falafel mix with water and olive oil. let it rest for a few minutes. Turn the dough mixture balls and bake them in the fryer.
Make a sauce of mayonnaise and yogurt and season to taste. Serve with a little green herbs and some garlic . serve with a vegetable salad.


4. Chocolate cake

what do you need?

biscuit (for a backing mold  18cm)

120g almond powder

120g egg

120g soy butterss

120g cream 40%

10g cococa powder

baking powder

vanilla essence




100g dairy butter

100g cream 40%

6g cocoa powder


chocolate sprinkles (pure)

how do you make it?mix all the ingridients well together and make it to taste with sweetener en vanilla essence. Bake it in a oven at 180°C.

stir in the butter and mix it with the cream and cocoa. (sweetner to taste) as last you can trew the sprikels on top of the cake.
















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